Cholesterol in the Blood
The amount of fibre in the diet also influences the
cholesterol levels and LDL cholesterol can be lowered by taking diets rich in
The most significant sources of dietary fibre are unprocessed
wheat bran, whole cereals such as wheat, rice, barley, rye; legumes such as potato,
carrot, beet and turnips; fruits like mango and guava and green vegetables such
as cabbage, lady's finger, lettuce and celery.
Oat bran is especially beneficial in lowering LDL
cholesterol. Expect effects of 8 to 15 mg/dl after consuming 30 g of oat bran
each day for 30 days.
Get to Know Vegetarian Principles
Example: To Lower Blood Pressure, Be Faithfully
Vegetables are also good for the patient of hypertension.
They should preferably be taken raw. If they are cooked, it should be ensured
that their natural juices are not burnt in the process of cooking.
Vegetables like cucumber, carrot, tomatoes, onion,
radish, cabbage and spinach are best taken in their raw form. They may be cut
into small pieces and sprinkled with a little salt and the juice of a lemon
added to them so as to make them more palatable.
Get to Know Healthy Kitchen Practices
Example: Foods That Require Careful Cooking
Certain foods, especially if they are not properly
cooked, cause indigestion. Some people react unfavourable to certain foods like
beans, cabbage, onions, cucumber, radishes and seafood.
Fried foods as well as rich and spicy foods often
cause abdominal discomfort and gas, and aggravate the existing condition.
What are some other important considerations?
• Excessive smoking and intake of alcohol can also
cause stomach upsets.
• Constipation may interfere with the normal flow of
ingested matter through the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in gas and
abdominal pain.
• Drinking too much water with meals, insomnia,
emotions such as jealousy, fear and anger and lack of exercise are among the
other causes of indigestion.
(Basic Healing Principles) Control Inflammation with Cold
For controlling inflammation, use the cold
This is a local application using a cloth that has
been wrung out in cold water. The cloth should be folded into a broad strip and
dipped in cold water or ice water. The compress is generally applied to the
head, neck, chest, abdomen and back.
The cold compress is an effective means of
controlling inflammatory conditions of the liver, spleen, stomach, kidneys,
intestines, lungs, brain, pelvic organs and so on. It is also advantageous in
cases of fever and heart disease. The cold compress soothes irritations of the dermis
and inflammations of external portions of the eye. When the eyeball is
affected, the cold compress should follow a short fomentation
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